Author: Federica Zonzini (Unibo, IUNET)
In the ever-evolving field of structural health monitoring (SHM) and acoustic data communication, a ground-breaking development has emerged that promises to reshape the way we gather information from hard-to-reach places and harsh environments. Our recent publication, titled “Directional Multi-Frequency Guided Waves Communications Using Discrete Frequency-Steerable Acoustic Transducers,” introduces a game-changing technology that harnesses the power of Guided Waves (GW) in a whole new way.
Traditional communication methods, such as wires or radio frequencies (RF), often struggle in challenging conditions, but the elastic medium, found in various structural materials, offers a unique opportunity. With GW-based systems, we can transmit information through elastic waves, overcoming the limitations of conventional approaches.
However, GW communication faces its own set of challenges, including dispersive and multi-modal propagation, as well as multi-path interference. To tackle these issues head-on, we’ve developed Frequency Steerable Acoustic Transducers (FSATs) that take advantage of their directional capabilities. This directional capability is achieved by exploiting a frequency-dependent spatial filtering effect, linking the frequency content of the signals with their propagation direction.
Our transducer, designed to operate with A0 Lamb waves at frequencies ranging from 50 kHz to 450 kHz, opens exciting possibilities. We’ve validated its performance through Finite Element simulations and real-world experimentation using a Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometer (SLDV). What sets our technology apart is its unique frequency-steering capability, which is akin to the cutting-edge research happening in 5G communications.
We’ve also explored Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO) capabilities of the transducer, demonstrating remarkable alignment with our FE simulation results. This development promises a paradigm shift in SHM and acoustic data communication, providing a powerful tool for industries ranging from aerospace to civil engineering.
In summary, our research introduces a directional multi-frequency GW communication technology that holds the potential to revolutionize structural health monitoring and data communication in challenging environments. With its innovative approach and promising results, this technology is a beacon of hope for industries seeking efficient and reliable solutions for monitoring and communication needs. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of GW-based communication.