In the recent ‘Sensors Converge’ event held from June 20-22, 2023, Energy ECS ‘s Swedish partner, RISE, presented first results from their collaborative research in the session ‘Extending Battery Life to Empower the IoT/IIoT’.
One of the discussed Use Cases from Energy ECS project under discussion was the ‘UC2A Smart Containers’. The UC has successfully extended battery life for over a decade by using photovoltaic energy harvesting. This technology optimizes consumption and enables fully digitized supply chains, marking a significant leap towards sustainable and efficient logistics.
The second Use Case, ‘UC5 Self-powered Tyres’, addresses the intricate challenges related to harvesting energy from tire movement and development of the energy harvesting system for harsh environment. This research is set to revolutionize the understanding and application of renewable energy harvesting for tire technology and in the industry.
The presentation at ‘Sensors Converge’ stimulated engaging discussions on the crucial role of Energy ECS’s technology in e-mobility and IoT power solutions. The recognition of the technological advancements made by Energy ECS and RISE underlines the importance of their research in the field of energy efficiency.
The collaborative journey of Energy ECS and RISE continues to be a beacon of innovation. Further updates on their progress will be shared, promising more breakthroughs in the realm of energy efficiency for IoT applications.
Link to the Presentation: CLICK HERE