Use Case 6

Autonomous driving of EV to charging station

E-vehicle or e-bus autonomously driving to charging station at a bus depot area, including real time location, safe approaching and charging

Use case 6 aims to develop autonomous driving technology for closed areas with software developments and lidar based sensing, test the components on its own test cars in Finland and demonstrate system in real environment in Strætó’s bus dept in Reykjavik, Iceland

UC 6 leader: Unikie (FI)

UC 6 partners: AMS (AT), DTT (DE), Fixposition (CH), LUAS (FI), Scantinel (DE), TietoEvry (FI, SE)

Autonomous Driving Systems Demo Video

This is a short demonstration video about the simulator developed for Energy ECS project by Lapin AMK (Lapland university of applied sciences). The simulator can be used to develop, train and validate autonomous driving systems.

Click the picture to see the video

Use Cases Overview